Your support matters

Make a Donation


We are a 501c3 public charity nonprofit. 100% of your donation goes directly to programming to help Lakota/Dakota families. We deeply appreciate your support!

501c3 IRS determination letter


How You Can Help

Your donation supports us in continuing our work. In 2022, we aspire to deploy Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to all under-resourced Lakota/Dakota/Nakota communities and reservations (within the State of South Dakota). If you are able to donate AEDs or quality medical supplies directly please contact us.

We are currently looking to acquire these items:

  • Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs):
    To be placed in each community throughout Oceti Sakowin territory

  • Medic bags: Fully stocked for first responders

  • Tablets, laptops: For our trainees to access virtual education, and to conduct telemedicine consults

  • Cell phones: Reliable working smartphones for first responders and managing operations

  • CPR manikins (adult, child, infant)

  • Airway manikins

  • EMR & EMT books, workbooks, and DVD’s

  • Training & Event support: food, transportation costs

  • Vehicles: Used cars and vans for patient transport and to conduct org activities

  • Jaws of Life: Hydraulic spreader tools for EMS teams

  • Suction devices & equipment: Battery powered portable devices

  • BVM (adult, child, infant)

  • O2 Equipment (portable & fixed)

  • Oropharyngeal Size 0-5 (adult, child, infant)

  • Ambulance cot with mattress

  • Ambulances: gas powered and/or 4 wheel drive a plus!